Pop open the bubbly! – Sparkling wine seminar
With summer right around the corner, on June 12th we will be holding our first sparkling wine tasting! We will take a look at wines from Austria, Italy, and France, compare the different styles produced, and their unique production methods.
The event will be co-hosted with long-time sommelier and Vini per tutti friend Hartmut Kleinecke. Hartmut works today as the premium key account manager for Top Spirit as well as wine educator for the WIFI Sommelier program. We are happy to have his knowledge and insight with us this evening!
The wines will be announced on the evening itself, and we guarantee you there will be some special ones. 😉 As always, each wine will be accompanied by a special small dish created by Mira and the kitchen team.
Places are filling up fast, so if interested you can contact our sommelier Andreas Boedt for a reservation. Thank you and see you in a couple weeks!
Entery Fee: 35€